Best Seasonal Trades for March 07, 2023

Daily Seasonal Swing Trade of the Day

One of the best seasonal trades for March 7th has been HAIN. HAIN has closed higher 14 of the last 15 years (93.33%) from March 7th to March 24th with an average return of 6.83%. The max return was 26.19% in 2009 while the worst return was -12.82% in 2018. HAIN closed at 17.48 on March 06. HAIN has closed higher on 26 of the last 67 Tuesdays with an average return of -0.47% over that period.
A few other daily seasonal trades of interest include:
-FCN higher 14 of the last 15 (93.33%) times from March 7th to March 24th
-SBUX higher 14 of the last 15 (93.33%) times from March 7th to March 24th

Intraday Seasonal Trade of the Day for March 7th

Day traders looking for an edge on March 7th may look toward CCS at 12:00 ET to 14:00 ET. CCS has closed higher during this time period on 25 of the last 31 Tuesdays or 80.65% of the time with an average return of 0.56%.

A few intraday seasonal trades of interest for March 7th include:
-UWM higher 26 of the last 33 Tuesdays (78.79%) from 13:00 ET to 14:00 ET
-CIVI higher 37 of the last 47 Tuesdays (78.72%) from 13:30 ET to 14:00 ET

Some winning seasonal trades from Monday March 06

LLY closed at 318.96 Monday after an entry of 311.22 on March 1st returning 2.49% on the trade. The seasonal trade has now been correct 8 of the last 8 years with an average return of 3.10% over that period.

Win: 100.00%
Avg: 3.10%
Max: 12.15%
Min: 0.22%

KMB closed at 126.18 Monday after an entry of 124.72 on March 2nd returning 1.17% on the trade. The seasonal trade has now been correct 8 of the last 8 years with an average return of 2.27% over that period.

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